The Dhaka Times
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Fun of fishing in canal-bill and hawre boats

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Tuesday, 25 February 2014 Christ, 13 Falgun 1420 Bengal, 24 Rabius Sunny 1535 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Canal - Bill and haore

How about morning fishing at Hakaluki Haore? You will surely have fun. There are many canals and canals in Bangladesh, including Chalanbil, where fishing is fun. That too by boat.

It can be said that fish are not seen in the canals of Bangladesh like before. Village after village after city after city, the houses are becoming full due to the increase in population. And so, as the cropland is dying, the rivers, streams, canals, rivers are drying up. Fish species are disappearing.

If you want to have the pleasure of fishing in the village in the morning, you can also go to such a place. Then the day will go well for you. Every morning we have some kind of good news - this is the expectation of everyone.

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