Categories: Science-invention

Check out some amazing chemical reactions and their results!

The Dhaka Times Desk Changes in the earth are generally of two types, they are physical changes and chemical changes. Chemical changes occur due to chemical reactions. One compound combines with another to bring about various changes in itself, which may seem almost magical to those who do not know chemistry. Today we will show you some amazing chemical reactions.

Dear Reader Never try the following reactions at home, the results can be dire.


What happens when cold water is poured into a hot glass.

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When white tin is cooled below 13 degrees Celsius, it rapidly explodes and turns into brown tin.


Terrible form of chemical reaction of two compounds.

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The reaction that occurs when aluminum is mixed with mercury.


What happens when ammonium dichromate is burned?


Hydrophobic sand is hard on liquid under water, surprisingly.

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Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.


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Burning lithium metal.


Mercury II thiocyanate reacts with fire.


If the blood is mixed with hydrogen peroxide it should look like above.


Crystallization of sodium acetate.


What happens when sugar is mixed with sulfuric acid?

Source: Oldet is interesting

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৬, ২০১৪ 11:45 am


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