Categories: entertainment

The joint production film 'Simerekha' is releasing on Friday

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh-India joint production film 'Simarekha' is releasing next Friday.

Dewan Nazmul made his debut as a director through this movie, on the other hand, Bangladeshi actors Fahim and Rathir made their film debut. On the other hand, Swapan Saha of Kolkata directed the film.

'Simerekha' is based on the love story of 3 young people from Bangladesh and India. In it, the characters played by Fahim and Rathi are Babai and Shreya. There is another character named Pakhi in this movie.

In this picture, it can be seen that the son of the Khan family of Sreepur village on the border of Bangladesh falls in love with Shreya, an ordinary girl of Sreepur village in Kolkata. But Pakhi's family arranged marriage with him. Baba tells Pakhi that he loves Shreya. In such a situation Pakhi gives up her claim and helps Babai and Shreya. With her help, one day Babai escaped from Calcutta with Shreya.

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Apart from the new pair Faheem and Fariha, the Bangladeshi artistes include Babita, Snigdha, Sirajul Islam, heavenly Amal Bose, Kabila, Sagar, Suma Akash, Monira, Noor Mohammad Khan, Begum Montu, Saral Hasmat and Anis and on the other hand India's Rajtav Dutt, Dulal Lahiri, Shantana Basu, Mrinal Mukherjee, Banerjee, Sumit Ganguly, Gaur Shankar Panda, Sanjay Banerjee, Ranjan Bhattacharya, Priyanka Bhattacharya etc. acted. Sung by: Andrew Kishore, Kanak Champa, Samina Chowdhury, Baby Nazneen, Agun, Tanzina Ruma, SI Tutul.

This movie is to be released simultaneously in Bangladesh and India.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৬, ২০১৪ 8:26 pm

Staff reporter

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