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No Uturn: Kader Siddiqui's nomination papers are cancelled

The Dhaka Times Desk The Election Commission has canceled the nomination papers of Krishak Sramik Janata League president Quader Siddiqui in the Tangail-8 seat by-election due to loan default.

Bangbir Quader Siddiqui, president of the Farmers, Workers, Janata League, filed nomination papers on Sunday to enter the electoral battle in the seat consisting of Basail and Sakhipur upazilas. The regional election officer informed the journalists today about the cancellation of the nomination of Quader Siddiqui.

Late Shaukat Momen's son Anupam Shahjahan will compete in the Joy boat symbol. He was nominated by Awami League.

When 18 parties, including the BNP, boycotted the 10th parliamentary elections demanding a non-partisan government, Quader Siddiqui also agreed with them and boycotted the elections. But after the death of the MP, he announced to participate in the by-election. Many people attributed his comeback to Kader Siddiqui 'Uturn' Commented as

It should be noted that this seat of Tangail (Basail and Sakhipur) became vacant due to the death of Shaukat Momen Shahjahan of Awami League. Apart from Kader Siddiqui, 6 other people filed nomination papers for that seat.

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৬, ২০১৪ 4:54 pm

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