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Some wonderful pictures of the 'cat's heaven' made at a cost of about 27 lakh rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no shortage of familiarity with cats. Recently, there were reports of a cat lover who spent around 27.5 lakh rupees to make his house a paradise for cats. She showed this luxury for her 18 cats living in California, USA. Let's take a look at some of his wonderful pictures of cat paradise.


Trillium Enterprises A construction company called this house turned this house into a paradise for cats. Let's take a look at some pictures of cat heaven.

1) There is a spiral staircase inside the house where the cats can play.


2) The walkway is as shown in the following image. The house can be said to be the exact form of a cat's heaven.


3) Cats have a tendency to scratch everywhere. So the homeowner has scratching posts for her 18 cats.


4) Good ventilation system for good health and fresh air for cats.


5) Crawl space is also available inside the house. It is safe to say that the cats are very happy with such an amazing arrangement.


6) There is also a facility to lie down and rest. Nothing is lacking in this heaven.


It's true that everyone loves a pet cat, but someone who spends around 28 million Bangladeshi takas to turn their home into a cat paradise is a rare occurrence.

Reference: Borpanda

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