The Dhaka Times Desk In our country, people have to register for various crimes related to loss, theft, robbery of documents, certificates, identity cards etc. Until now, GD has been done by going through various problems, but from now on, people can get GD online at home if they lose their essentials or want to protect their lives.
The police administration of Bangladesh has already digitized several of its services, recently offering online general diaries for residents of all police stations in Dhaka through the Dhaka Metropolitan Police website. In this case, any person can get legal assistance with a request to make a general diary or GD in all matters that are not urgent or do not require immediate response. In these cases expatriates can also file a general diary or complaint under the police stations in the city area of Dhaka if necessary.
It is normal for many people to get confused about the issues that are not urgent or that do not require an immediate response. As a result, to remove the complications, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police has said that a person can do GD online for certain matters.
These are:
Now let's know how you can do GD online.
first you Dhaka Metropolitan Police website go away When you go there, you will see that it is right above Citizen Help Request A tab named Clicking there will take you to a new page, from where you have to apply for general diary.
When the new page comes, you will see the GD topics there. From there a GD application form will appear by clicking on your required subject. In the GD application form give your name address and description of the subject of the GD and the name of the police station under which the incident occurred. Submit By clicking the button, your GD application will go to the concerned police station.
Now you are done. After clicking the submit button, you will be given an identification number immediately. Keep it in collection. This number will be required to collect the attested copy of the diary.
Although initially all the police stations of Dhaka metropolis come under this facility, it is said that the police administration has a plan to provide this facility to the people of the whole country very soon.
Source: Dhaka Metropolitan Police
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১, ২০১৪ 10:03 am
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