The Dhaka Times Desk Angie and her 4-year-old daughter, Mayham, have created new creative paper dresses together. Angie published them on her own blog titled Mayhem Fashion.
As a result of protecting various papers from Mayhem's blows, they thought of making clothes out of paper. They then create a blog and photo-sharing Instagram account to showcase their stylish creations. The costumes are made from common household materials such as paper, bags, tape and glue. They wanted to recycle their unused household items. As a result they only spent money on glue and taps.
The surprising thing is that Mayham's mother has no prior experience in designing clothes or fashion. He used to design the clothes first and then make the Mayhem dresses. Mayham would only wear the dresses for 5 to 10 minutes and post pictures of them on blogs and Instagram.
According to Angie, it's not the making of these new dresses that matters, but the fact that they bring joy to her little girl. While he is learning and growing every moment.
Reference: Boredpanda
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১, ২০১৪ 5:37 pm
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