The Dhaka Times
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Find out about the top five amazingly talented children in the world! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Generally children have a certain level of intelligence which gradually increases with age. But some children are exceptions who at a very young age show their talent in various subjects and make everyone stand out. Let's know about five such talented children of the world.


1) Farrell Wu:


'Business Insider' The magazine called him the most talented child in the world. In 2012, this child stunned everyone by scoring the highest score in the Australian Maths competition. At an age when simple geometry problems are supposed to be solved, Ferrell easily solves adult geometry problems. He started solving math problems from the age of just one year old, and wanted to enter the investment banking profession when he grew up.

2) Giuliano Stroe:


While he looks like a normal kid while dressed, he's not normal. He is the world's smallest bodybuilder. This Romanian kid started his bodybuilding at the age of just two and later earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for his unparalleled achievement. He set the record by walking with a super fast hand with a heavy ball between his legs. Despite being so talented, he likes to draw cartoons and pictures like normal children.

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3) Ryan Wang:


This child, who is only five years old, is called the wonder of the music world. In 2013 American Protégé International Piano and Strings Competition He has impressed everyone by playing the piano. At the age of only four, this amazing child absorbed 18 pages of lessons. He can also play the electric guitar. His music sense at this age is amazing, let's see what he brings to the music industry when he grows up.

4) Priyanshi Somani:


This child started solving intellectual math problems at the age of six. He participated as the youngest competitor in the World Intellectual Math World Cup in 2010 at the age of 11 and became the champion. Not only that, he is the only contestant to give 100% correct answers. Dubbed the Human Calculator, this talented kid has also made it to the Greenies Book of Records.

5) Taylor Ramon Wilson:


This talented child is both a nuclear scientist and a science pioneer. He had an insatiable curiosity about rockets and space science from his childhood. As a child, he memorized the periodic table in just seven days. At the age of 14, he was the youngest scientist to discover the nuclear fission reaction. His idea of making small nuclear reactors for fission reactions has been praised by the scientific community and has also won him many awards.

Reference: All that is interesting

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