The Dhaka Times
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Potato fields and our farmers

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2014 AD, 20 Falgun 1420 BENGABD, 2 Submission: Awal 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

potatoes & farmers

This is a potato field. Farmers sweated the soil and produced potatoes. But due to the lack of prices, the farmers have their hands on their heads. The cost of picking these potatoes from the land will not rise. So this potato may rot in the ground.

But do we ever expect that? If the farmers are not getting the right price then why will they work so hard to produce the crops. Thousands of acres of such land in Bangladesh have been destroyed this time. This photo of the bank of Padma at Mawa Ghat in Munshiganj was captured by the camera of The Dhaka Times.

It is our hope that our farmers get the true value of their crops.

May we have a good morning like every day. Good wishes to all once again - good morning.

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