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Today, Bangladesh wants to turn around again

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh cricket team has a chance to turn around today. Now it remains to be seen how much they can exploit.

Bangladesh cricket team

Pakistan is already one of Bangladesh's toughest opponents in international cricket. Bangladesh cricket team could not win any match against this team since 1999 despite coming close many times. The painful memory of losing the last Asia Cup final by just 2 runs still haunts me. On the other hand, the cricket experts of this country are completely disappointed after the Bangladesh team lost in the last few matches. But today's match may compensate some of that disappointment. Still the opponent is Pakistan. Pakistan is always against Bangladesh. Pakistan has worked against Bangladesh in all aspects and is still doing so. So Bangladesh needs to win today's match.

With all the sad records, memories and challenges, Bangladesh is facing Pakistan in their third match in the Asia Cup today. This thrilling match will start at Mirpur Sher Bangla Stadium from 2 PM. Now let's see what happens in the end. Millions of viewers of this country are counting down the time today hoping to give Pakistan a strong response to the Bangladesh cricket team. The audience thinks that the Tigers of Bangladesh will shine again. Like 1999, the Bengalis will show that brilliance to the Pakistanis. This is the expectation of the countrymen.

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