The Dhaka Times
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Impact on the economy: Electricity prices are rising again

The Dhaka Times Desk Electricity prices are increasing again. Economists are of the opinion that due to the increase in the price of electricity, the economy of the country will be greatly affected.


The prime minister has already given in-principle consent to increase in electricity prices. Therefore, the price of electricity is increasing in this month i.e. March. The legal process of price increase started yesterday Tuesday.

On February 6, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also held office in the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. The proposal to increase the price of electricity from the Ministry was presented to the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister argued that the cost of electricity is much higher than that of selling it. Due to which the distribution companies have to pay continuous losses. It is said that this proposal has been made to increase the price of electricity to reduce the losses.

It is known that the Power Development Board (PDB) has proposed to increase the price of retail electricity by an average of 15 percent. In the public hearing held at the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission on this proposal on Tuesday, the parties concerned presented arguments for and against the price increase. The technical committee of BERC felt that the price of electricity should be increased by 6.66%. On the other hand, representatives of consumer rights organizations participating in the hearing strongly opposed the price hike. They claim that increasing the price of electricity will increase the overall cost of living and increase public suffering. The general public also thinks so. If the price of electricity increases, it will have a huge impact on the country's economy.

Note that Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) is 15.50 percent. Rural Electrification Board 12.58 percent. Dhaka Power Distribution Company 23.50 percent and Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO) 15.90 percent. Westzone Power Distribution Company is said to be seeking an 8.51 percent retail price hike.

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