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What to do in case of 'hiccup or hiccup'

The Dhaka Times Desk Hiccups are a big problem for us. The disease comes on suddenly. But we don't know what to do if this happens. This report is about that poison.


The common name for hiccups is hiccups. The term Hiccough is used in medical science. Hiccups are organized – when the diaphragm (the membrane between the chest and abdomen) and the muscles that control breathing are excited and the muscles pull in air during frequent rapid contractions, the glottis (upper lid of the windpipe) closes loudly. . The result is a loud hic hic sound. This is hiccups.


Hiccups are caused by various reasons such as:-

# flatulence.
# anemia.
# Excessive mental exertion.
# fear, terror.
# anger, repressed anger.
# if the body lacks potassium.
# Any complicated disease of the muscles (tumor, inflammation, brain stroke, head injury, etc.).
# Heart Disease - Myocardial Infarction.
# When the vagus nerve (nerve in the stomach) is stimulated.
# If the esophagus constricts.
# hepatitis.
# if the kidney is useless.

Sometimes hiccups can occur for unknown reasons apart from the above reasons. Duration or duration of this disease is 10/12 days or more.
First aid:-

1. Drink plain water.
2. Drinking ice water or cool water is beneficial.
3. Hiccups or hiccups stop if you heat the canned water and feed it.
4. A handful soaked in rose water and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice relieves hiccups.
5. The best treatment is – breathe into a paper bag with your nose and mouth. This method is yours

Increases carbon dioxide levels in the blood flowing through the body and expands the diaphragm. Hiccups stop due to expansion of the diaphragm.
If the above methods fail, consult a doctor.

wrote: Dr. Ashiqur Rahman, Dhaka

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