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11,000 Facebook drones will fly in the sky to provide free internet services around the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook wants more people around the world to come under the internet. And that's why Facebook is going to buy 11 thousand drones for 6 billion US dollars. With these drones, the poor countries of the world will be given free internet facilities.


2.7 billion (2.7 billion) people use the internet today. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's plan is to bring the vast number of people around the world who are still left out of internet technology, to the internet. Mark Zuckerberg's charity is working on how to bring these people under the internet facilities very easily.

Facebook authorities are interested in buying drone manufacturing company Titan Aerospace. There have also been deals between Facebook and Titan. Technology media outlet TechCrunch reported that Facebook has offered about $6 billion to buy Titan.

Facebook Wants To Spend 60 dollar Million On Drones

Meanwhile, no official statement has been made by Titan and Facebook regarding the purchase of drones or the purchase of Titan. However, many say that Facebook is not buying Titan, but is buying about 11,000 drones from Titan, which will be supervised by Titan itself.

Analysts say that in the plan taken by Facebook, Facebook's drone will fly about 65 thousand feet above the ground to provide special internet access for people in poor countries. Satellites are usually positioned at this altitude. This use of drones in internet delivery is called Atmospheric Parking (Atmospheric Parking). In this way, Solara-50 and Solara-60 model drones can carry equipment up to 100 kg. All drones are solar powered.


Earlier, under a project named Google Loon (loon), 30 balloons were placed in the stratosphere of the atmosphere, each of which has a duration of 100 days. However, these drones of Facebook will be able to provide internet facilities for more than 5 years in a single country. Initially, this free internet facility will be provided in various African countries. Later this drone will come to other regions including Asia.

Source: Business Insider

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