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New rules for air travel in India

The Dhaka Times Desk Government of India has introduced new rules for travel from different countries to India and air travel from India to different countries. This rule will be applicable in case of travelers carrying more than 10 thousand rupees.


In a notification, the Customs and Immigration Department said, in case of travel to India or from India, if a citizen is traveling by air somewhere outside the country, and if carrying more than Rs.

In this case, passengers have to provide additional information besides filling the required form. These additional information are details of carry-on bags, details of money carried, list of last five countries visited before traveling to India, passport number, customs clearance form number, along with list of what goods travelers are carrying and hand bag number. to inform

Previously, usually so much information did not have to be given. The new rules will also apply to Indian nationals traveling abroad. However, those citizens who have more than 10 thousand rupees with them will only have to provide this additional information. No Indian citizen is required to provide this information on entry into India.

The Ministry of Finance of India has informed about this in a notification on March 1st. From Saturday, March 1, passengers at all airports in India will be required to attach additional information to the 'Indian Customs Declaration Form' at the time of entry and travel abroad with more than Rs 10,000. Therefore, in case of traveling to India by air from Bangladesh, you should also be prepared to provide these information.

Source: Times of India

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