Categories: tutorial

How to Renew Your Driving License [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk before that How to get a driving license Our report on this was published. We had informed that we will bring you another report on driving license renewal. Many people, once they get their driving license, do not renew it. Or don't because you don't know about renewing your driving license. Today we will know how to renew your driving license.

In our previous episode, you learned how there are two types Professional and amateur driving license must be done. However, the driving license has a validity period. All types of amateur licenses are to be renewed after 10 years and professional licenses after five years. Otherwise you will have to pay extra penalty every year in case of late renewal of that license.

Now let's know what you need to renew your driving license:

1) Two copies of your recently taken stamp size color photographs
2) One copy of your recent passport size color photograph
3) Two photocopies of the type of license you hold i.e. driving license to be renewed
4) Lamination of photocopies of expired licences

Now you have to first deposit your driving license fee at the designated post office or bank according to the type of BRTA. For Dhaka residents, deposits can be made at Southeast Bank's Dhanmondi, Sat Masjid Road, Mohammadpur, Shyamoli, Karwan Bazar, New Elephant Road, Kakrail, Mouchak, Gulshan, Uttara, Banani, Motijheeler (main branch) and corporate branches. But it is better to get information from BRTA office before submitting. If your driving license is amateur then you have to pay a renewal fee of Tk 2,300 (two thousand three hundred). And for professional license renewal you have to pay a fee of 1,438 (one thousand four hundred and thirty eight) taka. Also, a penalty of Rs.

Once the money is deposited, you will know from the BRTA office of your district whether your money has been deposited in your license number. From there you will take a renewal form, fill the required information in it, attach the photo and the remaining items and resubmit the form. You will be asked to visit the BRTA office on a date to collect the renewed license.

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Also, if the license is lost or burnt due to various reasons, a general diary should be made at the concerned police station. A notification should also be given in the daily newspaper. One attested copy of the notification and diary should be collected from the BRTA office for the prescribed form for loss, and the form should be filled with all the details of the driving license on payment of the prescribed fee. If all goes well, a duplicate of your lost or stolen driving license will be issued in your name.

This post was last modified on মে ১, ২০১৫ 1:18 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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