Categories: entertainment

Weird and exotic are all hybrid animals

The Dhaka Times Desk We see all the common animals around us all the time. What if all the animals we know looked a little different! Let's take a look.

The world is changing, its environment is changing, the world 100 years ago and today's world are not the same. Animals are also evolving in keeping with the environmental conditions. But today we will see all the unimaginable hybrid animals that may never be seen in reality. Along with the formation, their names have also been changed.


It looks like a combination of two animals, rhinoceros and chile.


Surprised to see? This is what a penguin and whale hybrid would look like.

Red Llama

It looks really weird.


It is a hybrid of gorilla and pitbull dog!

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This is what it would look like if an owl was hybridized with a pineapple.


A hybrid of a dog and a penguin.

the elephant

This is what a hybrid of an elephant and a donkey would look like. But the name also matched well, Hatihans.


Don't see what a hybrid of a lion and a mouse would look like.

the camel

Wouldn't it look weird if you cross an ostrich and a cat?


Giraffes and grasshoppers are not bad to look at.


What if tigers and chiles are cross-linked? See above.


A panther cat and dog hybrid will look like the above.


Crabs and hippos live both in water and on land. A hybrid of these two animals would look strange.


The animal will look like a dog and a shark meeting.


A hybrid of a dolphin and a TTC can make for a truly remarkable animal.

the frog

Animals like frogs and hippopotamus mating.


Mashrupas is a combination of octopus and mushrooms.


A hybrid animal like a combination of an owl and a lion.


Combination of bee and lion.


The combination of whales and birds, looks amazing to say the least.


Like a hybrid of a rooster and a rhinoceros.

The above creatures have no existence on earth. These animals are only fictional characters. We are grateful to the great creator, because the creator has created all the creatures of the world with his skillful hands.

Source: Viralnova

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২১, ২০১৪ 2:05 pm


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