The Dhaka Times
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Why is Jamaat so silent?

The Dhaka Times Desk Many are worried by the sudden coldness of Jamaat-e-Islami. Because Jamaat-e-Islami has suddenly become completely silent after the January 5 elections that have caused violence throughout the country for the past one year.


However, many see it as a 'political strategy'. However, many people are taking this issue in a different way. Many people think that Jamaat is holding some 'Fandi Fikir' inside. Therefore, the government should keep a strict watch on this matter. Many have said that Jamaat-e-Islami may be planning a big mission. And so they are now completely silent. Understanding the situation, they will enter the field.


But it is clear that there is a political motive behind everything. However, the government party Awami League is now completely silent on the issue of Jamaat. Many are considering the sudden silence of Awami League as a 'political strategy'. The issue of war crimes has also stopped completely at the moment. However, this appears to be due to the slow pace of the judicial process. But everything will depend on the subsequent movement and behavior.


The silence of the Jamaat can be observed after Nizami's hanging in arms. Previous cases have seen immediate reactions to hangings. After Nizami's case, no trace of him was seen. A few days after the strike. The situation seems to be like a program of Dasara group.


Of course, many people say that Jamaat-e-Islami is the reason for such a situation, many people think that this is happening because of the international situation. Because the way the international community used to support the Jamaat has changed a lot after the January 5 election. International organizations are even pressuring BNPK to withdraw from such terrorist activities of Jamaat. That is why political experts say that Jamaat-e-Islami has adopted a slow-moving policy.

But no matter the situation people favor to live in peace. No one likes to spend their days in the middle of strikes and deadlocks. People are happy that Jamaat-e-Islami is keeping quiet for whatever reason.
