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Modern metal exosuits for deep sea diving are developed

The Dhaka Times Desk We have many glorious achievements in space exploration. But there are many unknowns in this world. Where the search is still on. One such is the deep sea. A suit called the Exosuit has been developed to facilitate that expedition.


The exosuit is a 530-pound metal suit. Through which the pressure of the deep sea can be overcome to a depth of about 1000 feet. Its metal body will protect the explorer from being crushed by pressure at this depth. Its aluminum shell looks painful and suffocating. But underwater the adventurer will feel lighter. These include robotic arms that allow the explorer to retrieve sea creatures, thrusters that allow the explorer to move in different directions.


The US National History Museum's dive safety officer called the exosuit a quantum leap for atmospheric pressure diving. Scuba divers can only go as deep as 200 feet in the ocean, overcoming the intense pressure of the water. But researchers have to study the deepest regions of the ocean. The research is carried out with submarine images, which carry very little information. Looking at the picture does not give any idea about the behavior of the animals. Zoologists' main research focuses on bioluminescent animals that can emit light through chemical reactions in their bodies. All these animals keep themselves away from the sunlight as they live at a depth of 600 feet in the ocean. Not much research has been done on these soft-skinned animals. The researchers hope that the study of these animals in the deep sea will open new directions.

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Researchers believe that bioluminescent animal proteins could lead to the development of new medical drugs. They said, “This luminous feature is only carried by these animals. Our goal will be to find out how they do it.” The garment will work for up to 50 hours. Most expeditions are 3 to 5 hours long. It takes only 10 minutes to go from sea level to a depth of 1000 feet. The Exosuit includes a high definition camera, lights and other essentials.


The Exosuit will face its first real test in July this year. The dress will go on display at the US National Museum on March 5.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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