The Dhaka Times
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Sylhet Cricket Stadium was recognized as the eighth international venue of Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sylhet Cricket Stadium has received the final approval of the International Cricket Council (ICC) as one of the most scenic venues in South Asia. Sylhet Cricket Stadium is the eighth international cricket venue of Bangladesh.


ICC Match Referee Jeff Crowe last visited the Sylhet Cricket Stadium on Thursday and took a tour of the entire stadium and its surroundings. Match referee Jeff Crowe was full of praise after seeing the Sylhet Cricket Stadium and said, 'It is one of the most beautiful stadiums in South Asia.' According to him, there is no other stadium as beautiful as Sylhet Cricket Stadium in South Asia.

ICC match referee Jeff Crowe visited the entire ground as well as the numerous hills and tea plantations around the ground. At that time, Jeff Crowe was not only impressed by the stadium built in the middle of the natural environment, but also went with the international certificate. By doing this, the people of Sylhet no longer have any fear about the T20 World Cup games being held. The 28 scheduled matches of the men's and women's events of the T20 World Cup, the most crowded event in world cricket, will be held in this field this month.

It should be noted that several ICC officials came to see this stadium in Sylhet several times, but at that time Sylhet Cricket Stadium did not get status as an international venue because the construction process was not completed. The renovation work of this stadium located in the center of Sylhet started from last June, for which the cost is estimated at 87 crores. Modernization of Gallery, Green Gallery, Media Bang, Electronics Score Board, Sightscreen, Drainage System, Flood Light, Grand Stand, Green Gallery and Indoor etc. is completed.

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