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7 of Germany's most beautiful islands to visit

The Dhaka Times Desk Germany is a wonderful place to travel. There are some beautiful islands here. Seven islands from those beautiful islands are highlighted here for the readers.



Germany's longest island. Its area is 926 square kilometers. It has a nice sandy beach. It is surrounded by white chalk stone mountains. The most interesting thing is that there is a royal lighthouse and a resort along with it.



Germany's second longest island. It is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Its area is 445 square kilometers. Its beautiful green wilderness makes it unique from other islands. The horizon of green fields will enchant you.



It is also located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Its area is 185 square kilometers. It is a paradise for ornithologists. Ornithologists from different countries come here every year to see different species of birds.


Read more about the island: The ten most beautiful islands in the world based on the votes of tourists!


Its location is in the north of Germany. Its area is 99 square kilometers. It is a wide rocky island. But it is quite attractive to tourists for this rockiness. Baliari, the collection of different species of wild flowers is the attraction here.



It is a mountainous island. The area is about 70 square kilometers. It has many mountains big and small. The sandy beach is one of its attractions. There are some farmhouses here. Windmills, churches are special attractions here.



It is called the green heart of Germany. The area is about 50 square kilometers. Nordstrad is a unique creation of nature with these two green deserts and plains. Many Germans settled here.



A quiet island of 36 square kilometers. The Slavic word poel means "field". The meaning corresponds to Poel because it has extensive green fields. About 2000 people live here.


There are also some beautiful islands named Borkam, Pelurm and Northerni which will really enchant you. Germany has about 400 islands, large and small, along the shores of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

Reference: HolidayEuropeanIsland

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