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Some fun and amazing world records!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many have made it to the Guinness Book of Records by accepting long pursuits, tireless work and sacrifices. Some of these world records are strange and will surprise you. Let's find out about some interesting and amazing world records.


1) Recorded the fastest speed in a 100m race while wearing footwear used to facilitate the swimming of divers, has been placed in the Guinness Book of Records. Maren Jankar. On 13 September 2008, he ran the 100m in 22.35 seconds at Jamari.


2) Telmo Cadavez The maker of the knife set the record for the world's largest pocket knife designed by it Virgilio, Raúl And Manuel Pires. The knife weighs 122 kg and is 3.9 meters long.


3) July 30, 2007 at the NXB Team Training Center in Myrtle Beach Scott Murphy He made a world record by wrapping a 12 inch aluminum pan in just 30 seconds.


4) Lee Redmond holds the Guinness Book of Records for owning the longest nails in the world with his 28-inch nails.


5) Set a record by riding a unicycle Sam Walking. He covered 281.85 miles in twenty four hours.


6) Many may be surprised to see the picture of reptiles. of England Gary Turner He made a world record by stretching the skin of his stomach up to 15.8 cm.


7) On January 23, 2009 in the Netherlands, he set a world record by staying under the ice for 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds. Whim Hoff.


8) Dorothy Deal Law He is the world's oldest table tennis player. He is 97 years old XIV World Veterans Table Tennis Championships Participated in the Guinness Book of Records.

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9) Being the person with the longest beard in the world today Sarwan Singh. In 2008, he entered the Guinness Book of Records for having a beard of seven feet eight inches.


10) The eye can be taken out of the eyeball Kim Goodman. He has been awarded the Greenwich Book for his ability to produce an eye of about 12 mm.


11) Isabel Burley 93 percent of the body is tattooed. This is exactly why he is in the record book.


The world is so strange that all the time somewhere, some weird and strange activities are happening and their world records are also quite strange which makes us wonder.

Reference: The Windrus

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