The offices of the top 10 tech CEOs, including Mark Zuckerberg

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone is interested in knowing about the office rooms of those who are in the hands of this change in the technology world today. Today's event is to satisfy that interest. See the offices of the top 10 CEOs in the tech world.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

The founder of this most popular social media is Mark Zuckerberg. His full name is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. He is currently its CEO ie chief executive. In 2004, while studying at Harvard, he founded the social networking website Facebook together with his friends. Since the start of the journey till now its assets amount to 17.89 billion US dollars.

Steve Jobs, Apple

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Steve Jobs is the founder of this technology company that started its journey in 1976. He is called the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. Currently its assets are valued at 207 billion US dollars. He was the chief executive of this organization till his death. He was also one of the founders and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.

Steve Ballmer, Microsoft

Steve Ballmer was the former CEO of Microsoft. According to Forbes magazine, he is one of the richest people in the world and his personal wealth is about 18 billion US dollars. The 57-year-old retired from Microsoft on February 4, 2014 this year. Steve Ballmer was initially offered a salary of US$50,000 as well as part ownership of the company. When Microsoft Inc. was founded in 1981, Steve Ballmer's shares were 8%.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon

Founded by Jeff Bezos, this online shopping company started its journey in 1994. Currently, its assets are valued at 40 billion US dollars. Jeff Bezos serves as its CEO. initially only sold books online, but now you can buy DVDs, MP3s, CDs, computer software, video games, electronic products, furniture, food, toys and many other necessary things from this site.

Bill Gates, Microsoft

Started in 1975 by Bill Gates, this company is currently the world's largest company. Bill Gates has served as its chief executive since its inception. He is currently the chairman of its advisory council. He was the richest man in the world for 13 years. Bill Gates was born into an upper-middle-class family in Seattle, Washington.

Dennis Crowley, Foursquare

This different social network founded by Dennis Crowley is relatively new. But it has already picked up quite a name. It is mainly related to restaurants, shopping malls. Dennis Crowley is its chief executive. It is mainly used app-wise. Its journey started in 2007.

Max Levchin, PayPal

PayPal is the most reliable means of online money exchange. This method of online transfer is used as an alternative to traditional money transfer methods such as checks or money orders. Max Levchin is the founder and CEO. Another identity of PayPal is its investment in popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter. PayPal is one of the venture capital companies.

Dick Coastal, Twitter

Dick Coast is one of the founders of Twitter. He is currently its CEO. This organization started on March 21, 2006 is one of the social blogs in the world today. A social networking and microblogging website where users can exchange and publish messages of up to 140 characters.

Michael Dell, Dell

Michael Dell is the founder of Dell Computers. He is currently its chief executive. He started the business with a capital of 1000 dollars saved as a child. In 1984, he received a license to manufacture computers. He joined his company as chief executive at the age of 24. At only 46 years of age, his wealth is about 17 billion dollars.

Larry Page, Google

Google will be the first among those whose hands have changed the face of the technology world in an incredible way. Google's net worth is $117 billion. Google was founded on September 4, 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Its founding CEO was Larry Page. He was announced as the CEO of Google on January 20, 2011 and has served since April 4, 2011. Larry earned a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in computer engineering from the University of Michigan and a Master of Science degree in computer science from Stanford University.

This is our today's arrangement. In the future, I will serve you more interesting information about technology. Stay with us.

Reference: Complextech

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১, ২০২৪ 11:26 am

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