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Watch the heartwarming scenes of the father lion with his cubs

The Dhaka Times Desk The meeting of the cub with the father lion was a bit scary. Because six-month-old babies are seeing their father for the first time. Javadi Mangu, the father lion, met his three cubs for the first time at the Oregon Zoo in the US.



Kamali, Jalika And Angelia The three named lion cubs seem to have thought that they would play with their father as soon as they met. Because after the cubs meet the father lion, they start fighting with him. At first the lion named Mangu was a bit upset but after a while he got along with them. The curator of the zoo observed the matter very closely Laura Wiener.




Read more about lions: A lion goes on a buffalo hunt and then becomes the victim himself!

their mother Neka The cub was close to the cubs to protect her in case of an accident and growled a little for the safety of her cubs. This roar of the female lion warns the male lion that his wife will not accept any harm to the cubs. "We were confident that the father lion would accept his cubs but it remains to be seen how that happens," said curator Wiener. At first he was a bit surprised, but after some time his wife's Tagada went up to the cubs and petted them.




Lions may be the deadliest predators in the world. This first-time male lion quickly becomes a caring father. Watch the video of the heartwarming moment a father lion meets his cubs for the first time

Reference: The Daily Mail

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