Categories: international news

Two-year-old boy saved his mother using a smartphone app!

The Dhaka Times Desk A two-year-old boy used the iPhone's FaceTime app to protect his mother from a dog attack. The incident took place in a city in the United States. A woman named Laura Tun was attacked by a dog and her two-year-old son helped her.

Laura Toon said a pet dog suddenly attacked her and bit her fingers. He was trying to free the dog but it left his hands bloody. He then tried to call 911 with his iPhone but was unable to complete the conversation. Her 4-year-old daughter was horrified by the blood on the iPhone and her mother's condition. At this time his son brought a towel from the kitchen. Cleans the blood from the floor itself. Then his mother's iPhone Facetime app Called the mother's friend and told the matter. The friend quickly brings help. This is how a little boy's intelligence saves his mother from danger.

Read more: Dog's brain is similar to human brain!

This US case shows that children can pick up and use technology very quickly. Laura Toon's two-year-old looks like Rabindranath's hero.

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Reference: The Huffington Post

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২৩ 4:33 pm

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