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Thieves win: Chittagong two bank vault keys 'stolen'!

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, thieves are winning. They are targeting banks one by one. In Chittagong two branches of public-private 2 banks 'vault keys are lost' have been complained to the police station.

However, Chittagong Police considers the case of two bank vault keys being lost on the same day as 'mysterious'. The key of the private bank United Commercial Bank Limited Jubilee Road branch of Kotwali police station was lost on Tuesday. After this incident yesterday morning, the first vice president of the bank. Zakaria kept a simple diary at the Kotwali police station. News from media sources.

On the other hand, the senior officer of the New Market Corporate Branch of Agrani Bank Limited under government control, Md. Rezaul Karim, complained about the loss of the same type of key yesterday at 9 pm.

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AKM Mohiuddin Salim, OC of Kotwali police station, told the media, "When bank vaults are broken into one after the other in the country, losing the keys of two banks on the same day is very mysterious." However, Agrani Bank Ltd: The police did not take the officer's general diary. However, he told reporters that the action will be decided after visiting the scene.

It is to be noted that recently 16 crores of Sonali Bank and 32 lakhs of Sonali Bank in Bogra were looted through a tunnel in Kishoreganj.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১২, ২০১৪ 9:38 am

Staff reporter

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