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Missing plane mystery: 19 families claim to get mobile phones of missing passengers!

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been claimed that the cell phones of the 19 passengers missing from the Malaysian flight in question are still active. Several news agencies, including Mirror, have given such news.

The news claims that some of the passengers of the missing Malaysian plane with 239 passengers have called their relatives on their cellphones. Relatives claimed that the cellphone rang on the other end of their calls.

According to The Mirror, the sister of a Chinese national traveling on the plane called her missing brother's cell phone and got the cell phone activated. The scene of his calling was also shown on national television, Mirror reported.

Bian Liangwei told the news agency, 'I called my brother's number twice at around 14.40 in the morning. Then the phone was ringing. He called again at around 2pm, claiming to still hear the mobile phone ringing.

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Chinese media also reported that many families called their missing loved ones' cellphones and heard them ringing. They said, after ringing for a while the call automatically cut off.

Another Chinese newspaper, Shanghai Daily, reported that a man from Beijing called his brother on the missing plane's cell phone. Called 3 times and claimed to have heard ringing sound. At least 19 families have claimed that not only that.

It should be noted that on the night of March 7, the Boeing 777-200 series aircraft carrying 239 passengers and 227 passengers and 12 crew left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing at 12:41 pm local time. Two hours later, the plane disappeared in the airspace of Vietnam. The plane was scheduled to arrive in the Chinese capital at 6:30 am. The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing was carrying citizens of 14 countries.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১২, ২০১৪ 11:03 am

Staff reporter

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