The new version of the iPhone's operating system, iOS 7.1, has been released

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple released its new operating system iOS 7 update iOS 7.1 in a limited range. iOS 7.1 will be fully released in September this year. Now it is mainly released in the market targeting developers. Several changes have been introduced in this new operating system.

The most talked about addition of iOS 7.1 is CarPlay. Through which all the flavors of iPhone can be found inside the car. A demo of CarPlay was shown at the Geneva Motor Show held a few days ago. Volvo, Ferrari and Mercedes Benz cars have been implemented with CarPlay integration. With CarPlay you can listen to music while in the car and turn it on and off via voice control. Also user can receive calls automatically while driving.

iOS 7.1 introduced visual changes to the lockscreen, keyboard. Events within the calendar are displayed concurrently in list form, which Apple faced with several complaints due to some deficiencies in the previous version. You can now easily search for stations in iTunes Radio. You can subscribe and the most interesting thing is that you can enjoy the ad-free benefits.

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One of the things iOS 7.1 gets the most attention from is its security system. Apple had to face a lot of trouble in the previous versions due to flaws in the touch security system. Its fingerprint recognition system has been enhanced so you will be satisfied with its security system. iOS 7's home screen crash causing the device to reboot has been fixed in 7.1. Also users will get more advanced taste in FaceTime, iCloud system. Sign in to update from iOS 7 to iOS 7.1 iTunes.

Reference: TechCrunch

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৪, ২০১৪ 10:46 am

KA B Tohin

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