Categories: international news

Malaysian plane flies 4 more hours after it goes missing: US probe

The Dhaka Times Desk Five days have passed since the disappearance of the Malaysian plane, but the mystery is still not over. There were no answers to various questions. Let's take a look at the latest status of the search for Flight MH370.

Bright countries are engaged in rescue operations for the missing aircraft. Yesterday, Malaysia again asked for India's cooperation. Meanwhile, no trace of the plane has been found so far. No one can say what happened or could happen to the fate of the plane. As a result, many doubts and mistrust have arisen among the people about the rescue operation. In fact, everyone is now skeptical about whether it will have any edge or will remain a mystery forever.

meanwhile সিবিসি নিউজ Wall Street Journal বরাত দিয়ে According to the US investigation, the pilot of the plane lost all contact before it went missing, and he flew the plane for 4 hours in a bid to survive. With no aviation connection for a long time, the pilot of the plane lost the international flight route and the plane may have crashed somewhere in the sea when the plane ran out of fuel.

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Meanwhile, officials engaged in rescue operations told the media yesterday on Wednesday that they have increased the boundaries for rescue operations. The scope of the rescue operation has been increased to 27 thousand square kilometers. From now on, rescue operations can continue in Andaman and South Asia as well, they said. Vietnamese authorities have temporarily suspended air searches for their missing Malaysia Airlines plane. However, they said to continue searching in the sea.

meanwhile Al Jazeera Quoting the Chinese government, China said that it will not give up hope, according to China, there is still hope to find the missing Malaysian plane. Among the 239 passengers on board the missing plane, 153 were Chinese nationals. As a result, China's concern about the missing flight MH370 is a little more than everyone else's.

Meanwhile, no one can give any accurate information about the destination of the plane. A senior official of the Malaysian Air Force told the media that the plane was headed towards the Strait of Malacca before it lost contact with air traffic. However, no correct evidence was found for that information. Receiving such information caused considerable discomfort among the countries participating in the campaign. It seems something terrible has happened. Many experts have opined that if this is true, then someone took the plane in a different direction.

42 ships and 39 aircraft from 12 countries are participating in the rescue operation of the missing plane. Operations are being conducted in the waters of the South China Sea and Malacca Straits. On the other hand, raids are also being conducted on land. But so far no one has been able to uncover any mystery of the plane. Although various rumors have been spread, so far not a single piece of the plane's wreckage has been found. Again, seeing the flow of oil in the sea, many doubted, but it can be seen that the oil is not from the plane.

On the other hand, although the cellphone is claimed to be active, no progress has been made in the investigation so far. All in all, the mystery of the missing Malaysian plane remains a mystery until the writing of this report. It is now doubtful whether anyone will actually find any edge of it. But only time will tell - either it will be recovered or another name will be added to the list of missing aircraft in history.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৪, ২০১৪ 5:52 pm

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