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Picture Strange: Japan's Monkey Restaurant [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk You have eaten a lot in hotel restaurants, have you ever seen a restaurant where monkeys are doing all the work of taking food orders including serving you food? Yes, today we will know in detail about such a restaurant.


North Tokyo'Kayabukiya TavernIn this restaurant calledYat Chan' and 'Fuko Chan' Two monkeys have been working as waiters for several years. Both are very good at this job. When the guests come to the restaurant and sit on the chairs.Yat Chan' and 'Fuko Chan' Any one of them appears and starts taking orders as to who will eat what. When the order is finished, another one of them brings all the food to the table again.


The guests can't help but be really surprised by the actions of the two monkeys. Monkeys do all the work just as well as humans do. They even bring the food to the guests' table knowing exactly what they are ordering. The guests of the restaurant give them extra gifts after seeing this work of the monkeys.


Yat Chan is two years older than his fellow monkey, Yat Chan is now 16 years old. both of them'Kayabukiya Tavern' The owner of the named restaurant Kaoru is a fan pet monkey But in the beginning they did not work as waiters. One day Kaoru Otsuka let one of his monkeys put a towel in his hand, and the monkey gave it to a guest. Since then he started working as a waiter for 'Yat Chan' and 'Fuko Chan'.


Now the two monkeys are very experienced, they keep everything in the restaurant neat and tidy. The guests are also happy with their work, the restaurant owner is also happy.



These monkeys may not have intelligence or conscience like humans, but some of the qualities given by the Lord among the living creatures sometimes defeat humans.

Source: The Daily Mail

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