Categories: apps

WhatsApp integration with Facebook may expose users to security flaws!

The Dhaka Times Desk Last month, Facebook bought popular messaging service WhatsApp for $16 billion. In Bangladeshi Taka, the amount is about 12 thousand crores. Security experts say it is vulnerable to many security flaws.

Security Advisory Firm Baschart Says hackers can download WhatsApp private messages through various Android apps. A specific backup system is created for the apps that we usually use. As a result, if the user uninstalls the app and then reinstalls it, the old messages come back. Backup time is unique to protect WhatsApp user's private messages encryption code is using But it remains to be seen how well Facebook can strengthen WhatsApp's security in the face of its own massive user security flaws.

Security managers say that as a result of WhatsApp's integration with Facebook, WhatsApp's storage system will also be connected to Facebook's database. Last year, Facebook's database system went through a very fragile state. A hacker group named Anonymous broke Facebook's security system. In theory, developers could create apps that could break the encryption of messaging services and intercept private messages.

Read more about Facebook: For all those reasons your Facebook account may be blocked!

Baschart also says that WhatsApp's database is mainly about users Micro SD card Any Android app has access to the SD card for storage. This is the general rule for apps. If an app requests SD card access many times, the SD card gives it access. This is how SD card security can be broken.

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As a result of WhatsApp's integration with Facebook, private messages on WhatsApp may no longer be private. When the Baschart company personally asked WhatsApp and Facebook about this security issue, they have not yet responded.

Reference: Mashable

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৬, ২০১৪ 11:04 am

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