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Things to do to live a healthy and beautiful life

The Dhaka Times Desk Health is the root of all happiness. If health is not good, body and mind are not good. So you should follow some rules to maintain proper weight and healthy life and keep yourself beautiful.

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Many people are getting fatter day by day. There is also the problem that many people are becoming thin. But not everyone knows what to do to get rid of all such problems. And so today it was discussed to be aware of this. I hope that if these things are followed, a healthy and beautiful life can be lived. Let's take things for granted.

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For those who are overweight:

# Avoid eating large amounts of rice. Eat at least one meal of bread.

# Crash dieting i.e. stopping eating completely to get skinny is absolutely unacceptable. It makes the skin shrink. Ink falls under the eyes and a sickly expression appears on the face.

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# Eat small amounts of food every now and then. It can be fruit, salad, bread etc.

3 teaspoons of oil is enough for you to cook #.

Drink one glass of # Ek Jal Milk (Ek Bolak Milk) daily. Yogurt or chickpeas can be consumed instead of milk.

Eat # egg whites. It is very good for hair and figure. Drink at least 12 glasses of water daily to maintain healthy hair and skin.

# Eat ripe papaya daily if you have sunburn.

# Get regular moderate sleep.

# Eat at least two servings of vegetables a day.

What to do for people with poor digestion:

# Diet is essential for weight gain in people with poor digestion.

# should eat 150 grams of fish or meat a day.

# Eat at least 1 egg a day.

# Drink 50 ml of milk or milk-based food.

# Eat 10 to 15 grams of butter or cheese.

# eat nuts or raisins during free time.

# can eat seven mangoes.

Mix # flour with solar chuttu and almond powder to make bread and eat it.

Mix # of cold condensed milk with a little dates, almonds, jaggery and coconut and have half a cup daily.

There is no need to make any special changes in the diet to maintain proper weight. Exercise and sleep must be done properly.

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