The Dhaka Times
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In Nandail, small students are traveling with bamboo poles at risk

Dhaka Times Desk The young students of Amodabad Government Primary School in Nandail Upazila of Mymensingh are moving dangerously with bamboo poles.
নান্দাইলে বাঁশের সাঁকো দিয়ে ঝুঁকি নিয়ে যাতায়াত করছে ক্ষুদে শিক্ষার্থীরা 1
Villagers have built a bamboo shack over a canal called Narsunda. So that you can easily communicate or travel with the other side. Amodabad Government Primary School is located on the east side of the canal. Small students are traveling to school on that bridge.

Purhari village on the west bank. Most of the children in Amodabad school come from Purhari village. Because the location of the school is very close to them. Just as the children of Purhari village participate in regular exams in school, they also have to take another exam every day while commuting to school. If you fail the school exam, you have a chance to pass later. But if you fail in transportation, you will struggle with your life. Chairman of Nandale Upazila Parishad Sirajul Islam Bhuia said, 'It is not possible for an upazila chairman to build a bridge. However, he also said that soil testing has been completed. Construction of a bridge at Sanko's place is under process'.

Md. Shah Alam Bhuiya, head teacher of the school, said, 'Children are afraid to come to school because of this bag. "Every day one or two children fall from the sink into the water."

Despite all this, if the authorities do not move, then there will be nothing to do. However, experts believe that it is important to take the initiative to build a bridge before any major accident occurs.

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