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A luxurious honeymoon under the sea

The Dhaka Times Desk Inviting the thrill-seekers into this realm of abyssal waves, we have brought a novel service with this candid slogan. Oliver's Travel This luxury private travel company named Let's know the details.

Lover's Deep For couples who want to experience physical stimulation under the sea on a submarine Mile Low Club This private company has brought this service of the title. However, they have kept the details of other facilities secret! The British cruise company's submarine is currently anchored in the Caribbean Sea to mark ten years of innovative vacationing.

Co-founder of Oliver Travels Oliver Bale He said, “We started our business ten years ago mainly focusing on French palaces, but since our debut as Oliver Travels last November, we have been looking for something weird and wonderful that will surprise you, give life a new dimension. We ask everyone on a meeting day what is the sweetest place to visit. The first thing that comes up is this the moon And naturally that was scrapped and submarines were considered as the next proposition and soon we got a company to build such submarines. So we chose a place where the next real project could be done—submarines on the ocean floor. We talked to a submarine company who will help us fulfill the dream according to the format.

I want the depth of the pocket to be like the sea

You can take this special service only if your pocket can hold the same depth as the sea. Your eyes will start to water when you hear the cost of this fancy trip on the water, that is, the cost of this special pleasure trip for one night is only 1,75,000 Euros (2,92,000.00 dollars, about two hundred and two crore taka) for one night. . Although this adventurous step was taken in view of Valentine's Day, no one could be found who would spend over crores of rupees for a night so far. While the exciting project opened around Valentine's Day, no one has yet to fork over six figures for a one-night stay with their special someone.

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Although Bell is very optimistic about the first booking, he believes it will soon turn into work.

It is true that many people jokingly asked us to know many things. But we've got at least 5 enthusiasts who are really looking forward to coming. So I am hopeful that we will get at least one booking soon. And if that's true, I'm sure the entire office will be in a frenzy of greeting each other.

So what exactly do you get in that submarine for $292,000 a night? The answer is very simple, whatever you want.

By availing this service you will get an amazing opportunity. You can choose where to wear a submarine outfit that you find attractive. Just for this some famous clothing brands will be stocked for you. From the bedroom to the bathroom or from the bar to the ballroom, you'll be under flash lights everywhere.

Poems of pleasure-journey

You will have to pay for your trip, but there is a speedboat to and from the submarine. An artist's abstract idea of what this romantic underwater recreation area would look like is made physical through a replica. With it you can go under the waves, even out of reach. It has been emphasized by the company that separate sound proof rooms for the captain, cook and chief attendant will be provided in another part of the submarine to accommodate the passengers. Meanwhile, some artists have drawn various cartoons mocking how to enjoy this game of hide and seek in a romantic environment simultaneously under the sea and incognito. The tour operator has ensured that the crew has a completely separate soundproofing system on the other side of the ship.

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Now even though the submarine is in the Caribbean, you can anchor it anywhere you want. You can get the chef's own home-made menu that will inspire you. Everything from shrimp to chocolate fondant is available, even soaked in pomegranate juice if desired.

Think this environment isn't enough to get you in the mood?

On the company's website they promise that they will continue to play that romantic song by Barry White throughout the sound system - You're the first, the last, the everything (You are the first, you are the last, you are everything).

Playing Berry's songs is just part of the joke, says Bell. Actually, we want to bring all the joy together for our guests and we are really serious about it. But we are definitely serious about it. We know this project is one that is not on the shopping list of our typical customers. But it seems to us that the owners of that amount of property are aspiring to certain tastes - said Bell. He also said it will be ready within 12 weeks. Then customers will get what they want here. whose Claustrophobia (a feeling of intense fear created in the mind by being in a closed place) Bell warns them not to go, no matter how rich they are.

According to the artist's concept, the submarine has a flavor of James Bond villains' habitat. That is that Carl Stormberg, The Spy Who Loved Me From the book, which had its home on Atlantis, there is something similar about this submarine. Bell adds that it's very well designed, but you can customize it to your heart's content.

"It's really amazing to me," Bell said. But anyone can get it according to his taste.

Although Bell has yet to visit the submarine, as interest has begun to rise, he is considering a trip to the Caribbean soon. He wants to see what's out there for his customers and how they can find love under the sea, in what ways they can enjoy it.

Reference: CNN NEWS

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২৩ 4:17 pm

Aporna Mommoy

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