Categories: sport

234 foreign journalists in Bangladesh without visa to cover the game

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh has always given importance to the game of cricket. And so 234 foreign journalists have been allowed to enter Bangladesh without a visa to cover this year's T20 World Cup.

game's 234 foreign journalistsgame's 234 foreign journalists

The T20 Cricket World Cup, which is creating a frenzy in the world sports arena, is going on in Bangladesh. On this occasion, 234 journalists from different countries entered Bangladesh without visa.

It is known that these 234 journalists have been allowed to enter the country without visa by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host Bangladesh. It has been said that the Bangladesh government has given visa-free access to 234 foreign journalists to help them present this great cricketing sacrifice to the world. However, many foreign journalists have come to Bangladesh to cover T20 on other visas.

A source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that everyone has more or less interest in Bangladesh. Because there are many historical and interesting places to visit in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a good place for tourism. Therefore, when foreign journalists come, many of the arts and culture of this country will be promoted to the outside world. It is said that such a decision has been taken by taking these aspects into consideration.

It should be noted that the T20 World Cup curtain has been raised since March 16. Which will continue till April 17. On the occasion of this T20, the traffic of foreign media workers and visitors to the host country Bangladesh has increased more than before.

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This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৯, ২০১৪ 11:12 am

Staff reporter

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