Categories: tutorial

How to clean and care for the touch screen of a smartphone or tab [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, almost all smartphones or tablets have touch screens, not only smartphones or tablets, but also laptops, iPads or MP3 players. However, we have to use these devices all the time for various reasons, due to which the screen gets dirty. There is a special process for cleaning these corpses.

Our computers, PDAs and mobiles are now completely touch screen dependent. But many of us don't know how to take proper care of our touch screen. Today we will know about the correct process to clean the touch screen of your smartphone or tab.


To clean your device's touch screen, you first need to find a good quality fabric or cloth. In this case, microfiber or more woven cloth should be used. High-weave microfiber cloths are all around. Generally, the cloths that are given by the glasses shop for cleaning the glasses are microfiber.

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Before you go to clean your touch screen, your device must be turned off. Never clean a smartphone or any other device with it on.


Clean the top of the screen thoroughly with a microfiber cloth. This will remove most of the heavy dirt from your screen.


If very necessary, wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth with a commercially available touch screen cleaning solution.

Now let's know how you can take care of your touch screen device

  • Always keep your smartphone or touch screen device away from dust. Dust will reduce the performance of your screen.
  • Keep smartphones or devices with touch screens away from water, sweat, oil or moisture.
  • The touch screen works all the time through your touch, without damaging the touch due to too much touch. But keep in mind that most of the problems in using the touch screen occur when we tap loudly. Avoid pressing the touch screen too hard.
  • Do not expose devices with touch screens to bathrooms or water. Any liquid on the touch pad can damage your touch screen.
  • Be careful when placing touch screen devices in pants pockets, taking care not to apply undue pressure or injury to the Zeno. Especially in the case of keeping the touch screen in the pocket, keeping the screen inside is safer.

Source: WikiHow

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২০, ২০১৪ 9:21 pm


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