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How to take care of dry skin

The Dhaka Times Desk When the skin is rough, facial wrinkles appear, wrinkles appear on the face, and wrinkles can occur quickly. So it is very important to take care of dry skin. Today's event is to know how to care for dry skin.

How grained skin care-1

Some parts of the affected skin have a cracked feeling. Such skin is called scaly skin. If the skin is rough and cracked, applying cashew nut paste mixed with egg white every night before going to bed gives good results. When this mixture dries, wash your face with water and apply moisturizer cream.

How grained skin care-2

Do not give soap to those who have dry mouth. Because soap acts acidic, it reduces the oiliness from the skin and makes the skin more rough.

How grained skin care-3

Fresh milk mixed with flour can be applied on the skin as a paste to clean the face.

It is good to massage the body with warm oil half an hour before bathing. You can use any oil like olive oil, coconut or mustard. Do not scrub your face after bathing.

How grained skin care-4

Applying cold cream on the face every night before going to sleep will improve the skin if the skin is dry. People with this type of skin should not wear cotton and woolen clothes. Because it can cause skin itching and peeling. But if you want, you can wear thin cotton clothes under the woolen clothes.

If the skin is coming off, take a bath in salt water. Mix 20 grams or 4 teaspoons of food salt with water in a medium bucket. Bathe in this water for 15 to 20 minutes. Thus it is necessary to bathe at least twice a day.

After bathing, body should be massaged with almond oil or olive oil. Bathing like this seems very common but it is very beneficial and effective for dry skin and itchy skin.

If you follow all these rules, the roughness of the skin will be removed and the health will be good and bright.

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