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Wearable Android devices Moto 360 and LG G are coming to the market

The Dhaka Times Desk Google officially announced their wearable Android device Will look into it. Soon after the official announcement, Motorola and LG are going to bring two smartwatches named Moto 360 and LG G to the market.


Motorola, a former subsidiary of Google, has taken up a new plan to make wearable Android smartwatches. This Motorola watch is called Moto 360. This device is worth mentioning because it is a round smartwatch. A round smartwatch like this has never been seen before. Motorola's smartwatch is designed like a normal wearable wristwatch. Which is fashionable and functional at the same time. It will tell you when your next meeting is due with a flick of the wrist. Motorola is predictably calling it “Premium materials” and the Moto 360 will be available in different styles in the market.


LG is naming their wearable device LG G. It is compatible with various types of Android smartphones. LG expects this new device to be a big hit in 2014. The company has already released some promotional cartoons. These cartoons are because LG's smartwatch is compared to other smartwatches in the market.


These two smartwatches from Motorola and LG will hit the market this summer. First they will be available in the US market and then they will be seen in the global market. There is no reliable information about the price of the two smartwatches. See more details in the video

Reference: Mashable

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