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A person's skull was crushed in one punch!

The Dhaka Times Desk Citizen of New Zealand Scott Taylor Suffering from serious mental and physical problems. He was hit in the head in such a way that it appears that Scott Taylor suffered severe head damage.


of New Zealand Wellington Resident Scott Taylor, 42, went to the bar one night in 2012 and refused to leave when asked to leave. Being in charge of it Hotchkiss A 33-year-old hit Taylor hard on the head. The blow was so severe that Taylor immediately fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

When Taylor was later brought to a local hospital, doctors quickly treated him and said Taylor was permanently unbalanced. He will never be able to think normally again, not even be able to walk alone.

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But doctors took special fat from Taylor's stomach and transplanted it to his head to deal with the serious head injury. But even then, the taped part of Taylor's skull would not be normal. The doctor said that Taylor's injuries were so serious that it was very difficult to keep him alive.

Meanwhile, Hotchkiss, who hit Taylor, was sentenced to 16 months in prison for the incident. Hotchkiss has already completed his prison term and was released from prison last week. But Taylor has yet to return to her normal life.

Taylor's daughter Christy Said, "My father can never be normal again, he can't do anything by himself, walk, sit up, eat nothing. But a few days ago, my father was normal. We cannot accept this fate of my father at such a young age."

Source: Mirror UK

This post was last modified on December 28, 2022 3:05 pm


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