The Dhaka Times Desk Korean scientists have invented a crab robot that will dive into deep water to investigate and discover various aspects of science. This is the first such robot in the world.
Crabster CR200 Name the weight of the robot ১হাজার ৪’শ পাউন্ড, is the world's heaviest underwater robot. The robot is able to walk underwater. It has 6 special crab-like legs. The entire robot is roughly the size of a one-story house. But above water it looks more like a car.
The researchers say it could help with deep-sea exploration of intercontinental exploration, historic shipwrecks, and marine treasure troves. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Its scientists created this crab robot. While the robot went underwater for the first time last year, this year it will be taken to a maximum depth of about 656 feet.
A special high-definition camera is attached to it, which can be used to take pictures in deep water. Immediately these images will come to the control panel above the water. Apart from this, people can go deep into the water, with its camera and wind shield, you can see various objects in the deep water.
It has a high power lamp that allows all objects to be seen as clear as daylight at the deepest depths of water. With its huge 6 legs it will be able to walk, including balancing underwater. Moreover, with its huge 6 legs, it can bite objects of various weights and lift them up.
Source: popsy
This post was last modified on জুন ৩০, ২০২৪ 5:52 pm
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