Categories: special news

A unique example of animal love for people!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen the love of humans for animals but this time we can see how much love an animal has for humans. One such incident is Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands.

This picture is a witness of such an incident. Why the person who has shown lifelong love to the animal will not get the animal's love? Could it ever be? can't be And so that is the proof that as he works, he will get the result. He had an infinite love for animals. And so those animals also showed him an example of love when he came to his deathbed. A similar incident happened in the Netherlands.

According to media reports, the man named Mario has spent most of his 54-year life in a zoo. Most of his life was spent among zoo animals. His job was to look after the animals. But cancer has made his life miserable. In a few months, Mario's life changed. He spends his days and nights in constant pain of cancer, taking drugs, injections and sitting in the hospital bed.

Mario, a dying traveler suffering from cancer, pleaded with the doctors to return to his old address at the zoo. The news reached the ears of the voluntary organization 'Ambulance Wish Foundation'. Fulfilling the wishes of people who reach the end of life is basically their job. The workers of that organization started fighting after hearing Mario's words. They appeared with an ambulance of a special system that can be seen around with two eyes full of huge windows. Mario was taken to the Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands by ambulance. He has no ability to move, so the body is tied to the bed with a belt and a sheet is pressed on him. Show around the zoo.

A 54-year-old zoo maintenance worker mario He was suffering from terminal cancer for a long time. He was expected to live another week at most. From his hospital bed, he expressed his last wish to leave the zoo's giraffes. He loved these animals more. The man was brought to the zoo along with the portable bed to fulfill his last wish. The giraffe approaches the man and gives him a hearty kiss as if saying goodbye. The scene shocked everyone. Everyone present said they had never seen such a heartbreaking scene.

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Reference: The Daily Mail

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৫, ২০১৪ 11:19 am

KA B Tohin

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