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Laugh more: Laughter prevents cancer, tumors

The Dhaka Times Desk It was never thought before that laughter can benefit people so much. Researchers have said that laughter can prevent many serious diseases including cancer and tumors. So the researchers said to laugh more.

Smile more-1

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. And a group of researchers have collected proper evidence in this regard. They have seen that laughing naturally brings peace to the body and mind.

Laughing out loud causes various stimulations in the brain. Michel Schaffner, head of the Association of German Laughter Therapists in Munich, said this information. This is data from a 2007 study.

Smile more-2

Karlsten Niemets, director of the Institute of Human Biology and Anthropology in Berlin, said that smiling activates more than a hundred muscles associated with the mouth and breathing. He also said that the whole body works for laughter. It involves shaking the head, bending the body, experts call it generalization.

As a result, the air movement in the respiratory tract increases, the muscles relax, the heart and blood circulation are stimulated. When smiling, laughing people's brains stop producing the body's relaxation hormones, such as androline and cortisone.

Serotonin is released when someone laughs, Niemtas says. It is known as the happy hormone. So the more people laugh, the happier they feel.

According to a study in America, laughter activates T-lysphorocytes. which attack cancer cells. It also activates gamma interferon. which prevents tumor formation.

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