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If you take a child at an older age, the child of an elderly father is ugly!

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent study showed that fathers who give birth at an older age have children who look ugly! At the same time, the possibility of autism, schizophrenia and other genetic diseases of these children is quite high.


In developing countries, even in developed countries, men are getting married or having children at an older age to pursue careers. This time, the researchers of the University of Vienna have given worrying information for these fathers.

University of Vienna Researchers have reported that fathers who give birth at an older age are at increased risk for their children's health. Besides, due to giving birth at an older age, the child looks ugly. Researchers defined older age as 45 years or older.

In the study, 12 analysts were shown pictures of a total of 4,018 men and 4,416 women and asked them to assign different values to their external beauty. It found that men and women who were good-looking and had less disease were fathered by their fathers before the age of 40.

Researchers say men of genetic mutation There is a level that increases or decreases with age. This genetic mutation is at its best before the age of 40, so children born to fathers around this time have been shown to be more beautiful and healthy. On the other hand, if a child is born at the age of more than 45 years, in that case, the child will be ugly and various diseases may also appear in the child's body.

Research anthropologist at the University of Vienna Martin Feeder Said, "Scientists have known for a long time that male genetic mutations change with age. But our new research shows how changes in these genetic mutations can have a profoundly negative effect on a child's physical appearance."

Hence, from now on it is advisable for fathers to think twice before having children at an older age. One should think not only about their own career but also about the future health and appearance of the child.

Source: The Daily Mail

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