Categories: special news

Today is the terrible 25th of March

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the terrible 25th of March. In history this day has been considered as a dark night. On March 25, 1971, Pakistani forces carried out one of the most brutal massacres against unarmed Bengalis.

At the end of this day in 1971, a barbaric attack was carried out on the unarmed Bengalis by the bloodthirsty and violent Pak invaders. They turned Dhaka city into Mritupuri on this night with the name 'Operation Search Light'. In different parts of the country, innocent, unarmed people are being massacred and a hellish fiendishness. No one was spared from the carnage that day. Students, teachers, women, children and even rickshaw pullers were victims of that brutality.

Genocide is going on that day even outside Dhaka with the nefarious purpose of erasing the indomitable desire for freedom of freedom-seeking Bengalis. At least 50,000 people were killed on this night of March 25. And so this 25th March night is known as a black night in the history of our independence.

Just before the declaration of independence of the freedom-loving nation, humanity was torn apart by the claws of the Pakistani hyena. As per the earlier plan, the Pakistani army came out of the camp at 11:30 pm for the start of Operation Search Light. On this night, the army led by military ruler Yahya carried out an unprecedented massacre, oppression and brutality in brutal attacks on university hostels, teachers' colonies, Pilkhana, residential areas and slums including Rajarbagh police lines. The world conscience was shocked to see this carnage that day.

Later, a liberation war started with the declaration of independence on 26th March. The history of which we know.

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Today we remember those who sacrificed their lives for this country after being victims of that brutality. I pray for the forgiveness of their souls.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৫, ২০১৪ 3:12 pm

Staff reporter

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