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A statue of Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution, was installed at the US Capitol

The Dhaka Times Desk US scientists as innovators in new approaches to strengthening global food security Norman Borlaug Awarded the Nobel Prize. He was recently honored by the US Congress and his statue was installed inside the US Capitol.


A nation that knows how to value knowledge and the wise is formed in that nation by countless wise men throughout the ages. US scientists have contributed, and continue to contribute, to numerous scientific discoveries and researches around the world. His full name is Norman Borlaug Norman Ernest Borlaug. He was born in the United States on March 14, 1914. Initially working under a Mexican scientist, he gradually showed his talent in botany.

Norman Borlaug is known throughout the world as the father of the Green Revolution. His special research on wheat and maize contributed to the reduction of food insecurity in developing countries including Asia. He was both an agriculturist and a humanitarian. His innovative research revealed the secret to higher yields of wheat and maize, thereby saving the lives of countless poor people. For this reason, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. He died on 12 September 2009.


Recently the US Congress has honored this genius by installing his statue in the US Congress. It is said in the US Congress, "Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution, is a genius scientist whose inventions have saved more lives than any other scientist. Due to his invention, many poor people had food shortages. We want to commemorate him and put up his statue in the US Legislature.”


Source:  Business Insider, Wikipedia

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