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MSI brings the slimmest and most powerful gaming notebook ever

The Dhaka Times Desk Although desktops are the most ideal for gamers, this time famous laptop manufacturer MSI has announced two high definition notebooks in the market. These notebooks have been used in robust GeForce 800 Model GPU!

MSI announced GS70 Stealth And GS60 Ghost Two modern thin yet extremely powerful notebooks! Users can safely play modern high definition games on these two models of notebooks. MSI According to its announcement, these notebooks are given powerful processor and powerful RAM. But you have to spend a lot of money to buy notebooks with different configurations of the two models.

GS70 given in the notebook of the model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 870M GPU, along with 3 GB of graphics memory. According to analysts, with this amount of configuration, you can easily and safely run all modern and powerful games in the current market. Apart from this, this model notebook is undoubtedly considered as a powerhouse compared to normal laptops. The most interesting thing is that this notebook has a 17-inch display 16 GB DDR3L RAM! Its processor will handle Intel Core i7-4700H, it has a 17.3-inch 1920 x 1080 resolution anti-reflective coating display!

Another model GS60 Ghost It has a slightly smaller display measuring 15.6 inches, while its GPU is also slightly lower NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M, Graphics memory 2GB, Intel Core i7-4700HQ processor, 12 GB RAM And 750 GB hard drive. In this case you can increase RAM and hard drive if you want.

Meanwhile, the users have to pay a high price for these high capacity notebooks. To buy a GS60 Ghost in Bangladeshi taka you have to pay 1 lakh 31 thousand rupees And the cost to buy the GS70 Stealth 1 lakh 47 thousand taka.

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Source: Gizmag

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৯, ২০১৪ 10:11 am


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