Categories: general

Voting has started for Tangail-8 by-election

The Dhaka Times Desk Voting in Tangail-8 (Sakhipur-Basail) constituency has started today on Saturday. Polling in this election started at 8 am and will continue till 4 pm without interruption.

Election preparations startElection preparations start

The total number of centers in this by-election is 117. The total number of voters in this constituency is 3 lakh 7 thousand 328 people. 4 candidates are competing in this seat. Late MP's son Anupam Shahjahan (Boat) is contesting as Awami League's nominated candidate. Another Awami League leader named Abdul Malek is contesting in Harin Marka as a 'rebel' candidate. Sadiq Siddiqui of Jatiya Party (JP) is contesting on the bicycle marka symbol and another independent candidate Liaqat Ali from the USA is contesting on the cock marka symbol in Tangail-8 seat.

BNP did not participate in this election. The nomination of Quader Siddiqui of Krishak Sramik Janata League has already been cancelled.

It is to be noted that when Awami League MP Shaukat Momen Shahjahan passed away on January 20, the seat was declared vacant by the Election Commission. Later, the by-election schedule for this Tangail-8 seat was announced.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৯, ২০১৪ 10:46 am

Staff reporter

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