The Dhaka Times Desk The short film 'Janani' is made on the story of women's sacrifice in the liberation war. Roshan Ara Neepa produced this film.
Roshan Ara Neepa's screenplay tells the story of bravery, patriotism and sacrifice in the liberation war.
Jayita Mahalanveesh played the central role in the film 'Janani'. Another artist named Shahjahan Samrat will be seen in the role of a Pakistani army officer 'Sayed Khurshid'. Singer Pritam Ahmed played the role of another student leader.
The story is like this - On the night of March 25, 1971, a group of Pakistani invaders attacked Monirad's house. After killing her parents, Monira was tortured by Pakistani army officer Captain Saeed Khurshid. Syed Khurshid set up camp at Monirad's house. At one point, Monira got pregnant in the camp. Monira wants to destroy this Santhman. But Khurshid's only wish is that his child should come to the world. However, Monira is steadfast in her determination. At one point, the level of torture on Monira started to increase.
The contribution of women in the liberation war has been highlighted in this film. Gratitude to the great heroes of the Liberation War and a call to establish their proper and highest honor through this film. Moreover, the experts said that this is an attempt to create nationwide awareness about the heroes.
Notably, in 1996 Roshan Ara Neepa started working in the media through the World View International Foundation. In 1998, he produced a documentary film 'Madhur Amar Mae Hasi' funded by UNICEF. Then in 2004 'Amra Too Pari'. which won an Emmy Award. Roshan Ara Neepa's documentary 'The Field of Tepantmar' was critically acclaimed at the UNESCO Open Frame Film Festival the following year. In 2005, Roshan Ara Neepa made another documentary called 'Children in the Hidden World' about the life stories of sex-raped girls.
This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩১, ২০১৪ 10:22 am
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