Categories: international news

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Ambition: He wants to conquer more countries

The Dhaka Times Desk Russian President Vladimir Putin's ambition is to conquer more countries. And he is moving towards this goal.

This information was given by an adviser of Russian President Putin. Putin's former financial adviser Indez Ilario Ilarionov told Britain's 'The Independent' newspaper on Sunday, that after Crimea in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin wants to return Belarus, the Baltic States and even Finland to the Russian Federation.

The newspaper said the initiative, for Putin, was an attempt to do "historical justice" by rescuing the Soviet Union from the last ruler of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, and Stalin.

"Putin is trying to get parts of Georgia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Belarus and Finland under the Russian Federation." He mentioned in that interview.

Note that Illarionov served as Putin's chief economic advisor from 2000-2005. In a recent interview given to a Swedish newspaper 'Sanska Dogblodt', Ilario highlighted these arguments about Vladimir Putin's foreign policy.

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All over the world, the issue of Russian President Vladimir Putin has come up for discussion. Especially after the Crimea issue became clear to the world. Many have already begun to think of Putin as an alternative to an authoritarian America. All the people of the world are now vocal to stand against domination and imperialism. However, it remains to be seen how much you will or can do as an alternative force to escape from the clutches of America.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৭, ২০১৭ 10:30 am

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