Categories: health talk

Overweight people have a higher risk of death than overweight people!

The Dhaka Times Desk Both underweight and overweight people are always at health risk. A study found that people who are extremely underweight have a higher risk of death than others.

After nearly fifty studies, researchers concluded that people who are very underweight are twice as likely to die as normal weight people. of Toronto St. Michael’s Hospital Its physician, Jewel Roy, conducted the study as the principal researcher.

The study followed the BMI of many people over a period of about five years or more. BMI is a mathematical method of determining body weight based on body weight and height. Through this, the relationship between body weight and the risk of death in people is identified. At the same time, the association of birth weight with infant mortality rate was also observed.

If the BMI value is below 18.5 then they are called thin body, if the person's BMI value is 18.5 to 25.9 then he is a normal weight person. In this case, it can be seen that people with a thin body suffer from 1.8 times more risk of death than people of normal weight. Overweight people (BMI value 34.9 out of 30) suffer from 1.2 times higher risk of death than people of normal weight. The research Epidemiology and Public Health It was published in the journal on March 28.

Studies have shown that maintaining a normal weight is very important for humans. Being overweight or in poor health is a risk of death. People are underweight due to various reasons such as drug use, alcohol consumption, poverty or mental illness. In that case, we must avoid these bad habits and avoid the risk of death.

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Reference: Newsmaxhealth

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৪ 2:14 pm

Mahmudur Rahman

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