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Check out all the world's most dangerous snakes and their various terrifying facts

The Dhaka Times Desk A snake is a type of reptile without arms and legs. According to Wikipedia, there are about 2900 species of snakes around the world. Most of them are less venomous. And some are highly poisonous. Today we will bring you various information about snakes and snakes.


1. Conch or King Cobra


The most poisonous snake in the world. One bite can kill 20 people. Usually people avoid but when confronted they are proud to give a punch. It is found in almost all forest areas of South Asia. Can walk forward with head about 6 feet off the ground and bounce. It is commonly called snake-eater. It eats other snakes for survival. Although the conch snake looks similar to the gokhra snake, it is completely different from the gokhra or keute snake. This snake eats other small venomous snakes. The venom of this snake is neurotoxic which directly affects the nervous system. This snake can be seen more in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh.

2. Yellow anaconda


The yellow anaconda is found in the swamps and tropical rain forests of South America. The yellow anaconda is smaller in size than the green anaconda. It is usually 15 feet tall. Its strong jaws and muscles help it to swallow any animal. It is called one of the world's most populous.

3. Death adder snake


A scaly and yellowish colored snake found in sandy and rocky areas, especially in deserts. It is more common in the rocky deserts of Australia. Its black tail attracts various animals with the sound it makes and a venomous sting upon its approach. It is considered as one of the most venomous snakes in the world. Its venom is neurotoxic resulting in 50 percent mortality.

4. Python coming out of its shell


A green python snake hatching from its egg shell in a tropical rain forest. The place of occurrence is in New Guinea, Northern Australia. Python is one of the largest snakes in the world. They usually twist and kill their prey. Then he swallowed whole from the head side. Its egg shell is quite leathery and after hatching, the mother snake twists it and heats it for the egg.

5. snake's tongue


Some snakes spend the entire winter season in their burrows. As a result, he has to spend the rest of the year in search of food. The tongue is used to find food and detect nearby enemies. It is one of their organs by which they receive hearing and smell. Even male snakes use their tongues to determine the proximity of female snakes and whether they are of the same species.

6. black mamba


The most dangerous venomous snake in Africa is the black mamba. It is found across a wide area of Africa. It is the second most venomous snake in the world. As soon as the location of the enemy is understood in the vicinity, they make a fatal bite. An endemic species of this snake is the king cobra. Despite its name, black mamba, its skin color is olive green.

7. Mozambique cobra


The Mozambique cobra is also known as the throwing cobra because it can throw its venom from a distance of about eight feet or 2.4 meters. Like the cobra, it is a venomous snake. Its poison is likely to cause blindness. This snake sometimes throws venom to protect itself from the African mamba snake.

8. in sapure


Baburam Sapude Kotha Jas Bapure, Sapude profession is still practiced in many countries of Asia and North Africa including India. It is banned in many countries of the world under wildlife protection laws. They make a living by catching snakes and showing snake plays. In rural language they are called Veda. They show various snake tricks through dexterity and agility.

Reference: Nationalgeography And Wikipedia

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